
DB Schenker Celebrates Earth Day 2021

Climate change and other environmental degradations have broken the earth’s natural systems, leading to increased frequency of disasters, new and fatal diseases, and the breakdown of the global economy. “But just as climate change and coronavirus painfully remind us of the harm we’ve caused,” EARTHDAY.ORG states, “Restore Our Earth reminds...

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Sustainable Aroma

  Black gold: global consumption of coffee has been rising for years – as has the potential impact on the environment, making sustainability in cultivation and transport all the more important. Photo: iStock/Floriana; photo homepage: iStock/ranplett Whether your day begins in Berlin or Beirut, in Sydney or in Santiago de...

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Saving Our Oceans, One Step at a Time

World Oceans Day gives shippers a unique opportunity to honor, help protect, and conserve the world’s oceans Spanning three-quarters of the Earth’s surface and representing 99 percent of the “living space” on the planet (by volume), the world’s oceans are precious resources that are often taken for granted—assuming that they...

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