Compliance screening tools help you manage required due diligence screenings of all parties and individuals along your transportation supply chain.
DB Schenker’s Restricted Party Screening tool helps your organization fulfill screening requirements as a critical link to the transportation supply chain and reach the highest compliance standards. Versatile and intuitive, our solution works the way you work, so that screening is seamless and integrated into your everyday operations.
Find out more in our short video:
What is Restricted Party Screening?
Restricted Party Screening is an essential component of any compliance program. It allows for screening against not only U.S. government lists but also internationally recognized lists.
Who is responsible for vetting against U.S. and/or International government lists?
Each and every participant in the global transportation supply chain is responsible to perform their own due diligence of screening entities and individuals involved in the transport of the commodities; from the sales, exporter, freight forwarder, broker, carrier, importer and everyone in between.
Who should be screened?
Any company, person, and even financial institution involved in the transaction are required to be vetted. If named on any document (i.e. letter of credit, purchase order, invoice, work order, packing list, etc. – then screen).
When should screening occur?
Screening is to occur throughout the transportation supply chain